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where can we fund the game or preorder?


The game will enter Early Access in a couple months so that’s when. Follow here on and wishlist on to get updated on when it’s ready


I think it's a great and amazing game, I look forward for the full release.

(I made a video of the game, but is in spanish. here it is, if you want to see it)

(1 edit)

unfair DOOM LOL but this game so f***king cool!!!


This is such a great game, and it's not even the full game!  It runs perfectly on an old laptop and it's really fast paced, kinda giving Doom vibes. I'm so hyped for the full verision. Not sure if this helps but I found a bug that glitches you out of the map if you try to glide while going up stairs.

Could you explain the issue in more detail? I don't quite understand what you mean.

waiting on the mac version reeee

Since I have no experience with developing for Mac (or Linux) I'll just be focusing on Windows. We'll look into the possibility of porting to other systems after the game's done.

Hai. I played the Prelude and comming here because of the Steam demo. I can't punch, not even when I change the key mapping. It worked in the prelude, but for some reason it no longer works in the Steam demo. And because of that I can't move through the tutorial. Any way to fix that?

Will have to look into it in a couple of days


Never in my life have I ever thought I'd put 7+ hours into a DEMO. Looks like that's been changed.

will the game have a price tag? if so how much will it cost? i swear i read somewhere it will be free but i cant remember

Yes it will cost money. No set price yet but expect $15-20

would u guys make something like a release sale or something like that

this game is amazing i am hyped for when the full relese comes out!
and is there going to be a liunx port on steam i don' t want to have to use wine

Unfortunately no. Something that became very clear to me is I can't support Linux natively because of little I know about it. There have been people asking me how to even launch the game on Linux and I can't help them. While this was fine for a free demo, it would simply be unacceptable for a commercial product. From what I've heard, it works well on Proton though.

ah ok thanks for responding
i guess i will just use proton cool


Fast and awesome! I'm definitely buying this when it comes out! It's earned my money!

A friend told me about the game and i decided to give it a go today but for some reason every time i launch the game i get black screen

the 1.04b hotfix version works fine


This is due to the new intro video. The video is an .mp4 which requires an installation of "Microsoft Media Foundation" to work. Most PCs have this by default, but since some don't, the next update will be switching the intro video from .mp4 to .webm.


this is absolutely a great game. Made me sweat to finish it on all As. It has bring me back to the old quake days!


I'm speechless... this is just amazing


Hello Hakita! JUst letting you know your game was AMAZING! It was a ton of fun to play, and I have replayed it many times.

Also, even if this goes under your nose, just know, I hope you're doing well. If you're working on it currently, no sweat, I know you'll finish it.

Good luck.

When it is done will it be for sale or will it be free?

And where is it going to be published?

It will cost money and will be sold on Steam and

A great game! I found a few bugs, like some out of bounds glitches and being able to disable your weapon. Ignoring that, this game is 10/10


personally i would call a game like devil may cry a spectacle fighter but thats just me


10/10. Good job

Show post...

This is like a Mix between apex legends, and DOOM, 10/10 -IGR


Is there going to be mod support for this game? 

There are no official modding tools planned currently, but some level of modding is still possible.

Cool! also I'm just wondering if there is any possibility of a limited physical edition? if there is then i would definitely preorder that.

We'll be considering things like that after the game is done, which will be a long while from now.

Cool! if that does happen then I think it would be cool if it came in a mock PS1 case complete with a manual. also would it be DRM free?  

No plans for DRM currently.




best demo i havent played for an fps this good in a super long time cant wait for the full game!!


A good game, whit good optimization and a fucking... FUCK i need it! when you put this on Steam i need buy it! i like so mutch


Remember to wishlist it so you'll get a notification when it's out on Early Access.


I find that you can boost your own shootguns shoots

Thats crasy and so funny, but a little broken <3

i love the game, is on my whishlist now


Holy shit. This is a demo? It feels like a full indie game. I am so hyped for the full release.


Thank god i found this game for some timepass and dopamine


fucking incredible !!! i am blown away by this game. feels very good to play and the theme sucks you in. can't wait for early access


This game is actually amazing. The second boss fight is really well coreographed and it shows when and how he'll attack. My only criticism is that I think there should be a better indicator when I reflect and punch enemy projectiles back at them I could never tell visually. Other than that amazing game and I can't wait to see how it'll improve

i cant play on Linux, can anyone help?

it isnt uploaded on linux bruv

it is. when you go and download it, it says "Linux" and it gives you instructions. But the instructions don't work.

Unfortunately I don't really know much about Linux so I can't help if the instructions don't work. If you could explain the issue in more detail I could ask someone who knows better.

Thats watt i said dude . Itch gives an OPTION for linux but the game itself shall be compatibble with itt. Cant wait to see the real complete game btw....

Thats watt i said dude . Itch gives an OPTION for linux but the game itself shall be compatibble with itt. Cant wait to see the real complete game btw....


This game is freaking awsome. I loved playing it and most likely will play it again. A multiplayer mode would be amazing also.

this game is like doom but more... how to say it. More retro and there is a litel of blood


this game is f##king awesome. the game gets more and more difficult, but the most difficult part for me, was the most fun part. i got stuck at the second bossfight with the swordmachine, but it was still so much fun to try and try again, slowly learning my enemies fun and new attacks. every try i would get just a bit better at dodging him, just a bit better at my positioning, just a bit better at the game. it was so much fun. now having finished the game, i look forward to the full game. It's just good. really good. like unexplainably good. even the trailer on steam got me excited to see new maps, weapons. if you are reading this, and havent played the game, please play it for your own happiness. its really f##king good.


also i didnt say this originally, but every single shot (especially parries) feels SO satisfying! like i would go back to the first level, go to the part where they first show you how to do parries, AND JUST parry everything i could. its just perfectly made. the timing, the animation that plays when you do punch it back is just a breath of satisfaction. everytime id go around a corner, charging up a bomb with the shotgun, just in case an enemy is there, i see like 5 enemies running towards me, i shoot at them, the explosion with the blood, and the effect it gives you. just straight up dopamine. great game

(1 edit)

ok so i learned, that you can actually parry the attacks of the swordmachine. and thus:

edit: so i learned that if you skip the first bossfight you can actually go to the second one. and thus:

i also have a question about this game, wich is about one of the abilities witht the guns. the revolver wich you can buy, has the ablity to throws coins, but i never knew what it did. i dont think i ever actually used it other than when i bought the gun to check out its abilities.

When you click on the gun in the shop to buy it, there's a piece of text that explains how it works. Basically, if you hit the coin while it's in the air, it will ricochet your shot into the nearest enemy's weakpoint.

ooooohhh thats really cool!

im gonna go do a coin only run


Great game! Difficult but fun. A few suggestions : make it a bit less pixelated to increase visibility, buff the shotgun so it doesn't kill u if u shoot urself, I spend more time dying to shotgun than anything. Also buff Cerberus, as u can easily punch it to death, like make it do some close range attk that knocks you back so u can't punch it.


You can turn off the downscaling in the Graphics options if you don't want the game to be as pixelated as it is by default. There will be some changes to the punch and health system in the next version.


i'm sadly past the time where i have the patience to play difficult games (anything faster than quake is a lot for me), but i'm very much in love with what you've got here, and i will absolutely be recommending this gem. 

There's an assist mode in the pause menu that lets you tone things down like game speed and damage taken, if you feel you'd have more fun if the game was slower and/or more forgiving.


oh my god, that's amazing, thank you for considering us old folk!<3


This is something special


Man, this game is really good. I mean, the movement is smooth af, shooting fells great, environment is awesome. It does have some imperfections though, such as if you switch weapons when reloading the double barell it will reload instantly, but that's to be surely fixed. It's a demo for now.

Cancelling the shotgun reload is intentional. There are a lot of small tricks like that that can be used to your advantage.

Deleted post


Oh cool, I din't think it was intentional. That makes it even nicer to have these tricks to discover. Keep it up, dude, you're making a great game


Genuienly increadible, I really wish the full game was already out so I could spend all of my time on it

Is there a 32 bit version published yet?

No, not yet.

Is the 32 version published?

Sorry, but that ended up not happening after all.


loving this game. i made a short review with my own gameplay 

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