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ps. bought the game 30mins after release

I was wondering if the steam version is gonna get a Linux version as well? 

No, because I very quickly realized that supporting Linux natively was biting off more than I could chew. Apparently it runs well on Proton, though.

I understand. It does run well with proton. Haven't seen any issues yet.

is there a release date?

you can buy and play on steam now

(i am not the dev just a random dude)

Early Access has started on Steam, full release will not be for a long time.


What about achievements?

Later, probably alongside full release.


it feels like doom eternal or doom in its early stages VERY cool game!

(1 edit) (+1)

The final boss fight really got me cranking it took me a long time to beat that but that what I like about boss fights they put up a challenge and you guy('s) put the challenge in that boss fight. Also that bonus level (secret mission) is super scary and fun, the feeling of finding two of the skulls in complete darkness and in the meantime being hunted it reminds me of aliens. I would recommend this game and I will definitely buy the full version.

I cheesed it in the corner when you spam f and use the starter charge up pistol, works everytime

How much will the game be for EA?

Probably $20

Deleted 3 years ago

Maybe, but for Early Access the game will be Windows only.

Will you be able to create your own maps? Because if that is a feature, it would make an amazing selling point. I mean, it's like doom, but better. Imagine how many more people will be attracted by a custom map maker.

Currently, no. There's been some experimenting but it's a huge undertaking and I'm just focusing on the main content now.

at least for the cyber grind maybe?


epic game


its perfect




This Game Is The Best Shooter Ever can't wait for full game

Do you think you could add X-Box controller compatibility? I wanna be able to play this game at MAX SPEED! I love it a lot I can't wait to see more! 

Controller support is planned for the full game but not done yet. May be ready for the early access launch, but if not, it'll be patched in later.

This game is awesome but when i get to the boss with the shotgun, i can't pick the shotgun up. I can see it drop on the floor but when i walk up to it, it disappears and iI'm not holding it. I've reinstalled but still have the problem

It's possible you already have it and maybe accidentally switched off it. Try pressing 2 or using the mouse wheel to switch weapons after you've touched it.


i just finished th game yesterday and goddamit kid , that was the best ive ever played *-* can't wait for the full version uwu


This is genuinely the best game I have ever played. I can't wait to throw my money at you for the full release.


I been following this game for over a year now. I love to come back and play it from time to time.


i love this game because it have reflect, i love this mehanic im waiting for full game <3

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Deleted 59 days ago
(1 edit)

There will be 9 Chapters of which we only have one so far and i think its gonna be 5 levels per levels so 45 levels plus the 5 from the prelude

Not 100% sure though


The plan is for there to be 10 levels per act so 5 (Prelude) + 10 (Act I) + 10 (Act II) + 10 (Act III). 35 main levels.

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I love this game except for the fact that after 10 minutes my computer crasshes so im gonna get a new computer and can I know what the exact price is.


No set price yet but expect around $15-20.

love the game can't wait for it to come out just asking if you have a price set already so i can save up before hand

No set price yet but expect around $15-20.

thank you for the information

I absolutely love this game already, but im having this issue where the character switches weapons automatically while im not scrolling the mouse. Is this a bug you know about already? Great work already thouhg. I hope i can make games like this one day to.

Could you explain the issue in more detail? Haven't had any reports of anything like this happening.

its just like i said, the game randomly cycles between all the weapons (both handgun and shotgun with the 2 variants of either, so all 4 in total). I actually thought it was because the guns i was using were out of ammo, but since the gane doesnt have an ammo system it doesnt have that. I play with a basic wireless mouse and an Azerty keyboard (with movement set to zqsd of course). If i can give you any more information you need about my hardware or something, feel free to ask. Id love to help you find the answer to this in any way i can.

This game is absolutely awesome! I havent enjoyed an fps sicne Doom and this game scratches that itch amazingly. I am eagerly lookig forward to this games release. I have a question about the music though. In the first level there seems to be two versions of the music. One for when you are exploring and another for when enemies are nearby. I assume this is how the music will work with other levels. Will both versions of the songs be on the soundtrack once it releases? Either way I look forward to the early access and any future projects you work on <3


Haven't decided yet, but most likely on the songs on the official soundtrack will be combining parts of both versions to create one song. There may be a chance down the line of each version being released seperately, but that isn't a priority.

Will there be a 4:3 mode so if I want to, I can play it on a old CRT monitor?

4:3 resolutions are available



I didn't know exactly what to expect from this game going in but it genuinely had me hooked from the start. the fast paced doom-like gameplay is super fun and keeps you playing one level after another. the enemy designs are decently varied and are all fun to deal with. The bosses really surprised me too, the bosses felt like they had a lot of work put into them since the few bosses that there were had varied movesets, which meant you'd have to deal with all of them differently rather than just blindly shooting. the secrets and achievements also gives a lot of replay value to the levels. besides all of that though, the game is plain, high octane, fun and that's all you really need to make a game like this super enjoyable.
looking forward to the full release cause this left me wanting a lot more. good luck with development <3



I absolutely loved this game it was just amazing and I can't wait until the full release


I was wondering how far is the game in developement? i m really invested in the game iv played 3hours of the demo, 4 times thru :D. and just wanted to ask if you are gonna make the realease this summer or do you think its gonna be delayed.

ps. amazing game :D

There’s a couple levels left to make for Act I, after which it will come out in Early Access. Estimated late summer or early fall. Game wont be fully complete until at least a year from now, possibly longer.

Had an absolute blast of a time! Would like to show you more of my gameplay but OBS started playing up so will have to make do with the early part of the demo for now! Keep up the great work!!

(1 edit) (+1)

This is an amazing game. It takes the aesthetic and pacing of the original Doom/Quake and heavily improves upon it. The art style really brings the whole thing to a new level of retro gore-horror and that coupled with the amazing and fluid gameplay make this one of the best games I've played in the past few years.

If I had to critique one thing, I'd say that the slide and groundpound don't get nearly enough use. They are introduced and then used for a few puzzles and then that's it. My idea for a better groundpound would be that it does damage in a radius and not just on a direct hit. It would also be cool if the damage of a groundpound scaled based on how high up the player was at the start of the groundpound.

Still, this is an amazing game, and I will definitely buy the full game once it comes out.


VERY GOOD game I LOVED IT 100/100


I spent 4hours on the prelude. Four. Hours. Can you imagine how much I'll spend on the full game? Holy smokes I bloody love it, and I'm still learning new mechanics!



i made an account just to say this game looks amazing im a big fan of doom (played all games for more than 5 minutes) i can say this is doom approve

Genuinely one of the best games I've played in recent memory. I'm in love with the little secrets littered around each level, not just the orbs, but the bonus boss fights and secret passages as well. I really like the movement and it all feels so natural, which is crazy considering how awful my computer is. Super excited to see what the full game looks like and excited to spend money on it. I do want to ask though, would there be any way to access legacy versions to see how the game used to look/work? If not it's fine though

There's no way to access the previous demo versions anymore, but there's a bunch of very early playable builds available here:

And my youtube channel has a bunch of devlog videos showing the progress of the game's development:


Deleted 4 years ago

Nope, the full game will cost around $15-20 or so.

Deleted 4 years ago

If you like the game I'd suggest you buy it. I can't keep making games if I can't support myself by making games.


sorry hakita, u know many of us cant afford it, even if i wont get the pirated version many others will, i suggest u to use online encrypted activation so it doesnt get cracked please.

(1 edit)

i will pay $20 if i don't have drm that gets in the way of me playing

Deleted 4 years ago

$15-20 usd? i'd be willing to get it, considering the game has the unique quality of making you feel like a dreadnought that had a rail-gun, rockets, auto-cannons, a warp drive, and some RCS thrusters the size of wrecking balls strapped to you while you slide around the room in 3 dimesions like some grim-reaper ballerina of death, I've only played 8 hours, and I already found out that you can dash-walljump your way over the lava pit in the Cerberus boss-level, this game is art, and it's specialty is annihilation.


If these guys can put in months of work to create it, you can surely do a little bit of work to pay for it. You still have time before release.

Deleted 4 years ago

I like it. It's a lot of fun and kinda challenging. Nice job!


Demo feedback: While non-boss combat was fun, i found it too easy to avoid damage. The player can jump high enough and move fast enough to avoid most enemy types indefinitely. It's still fun to play with completion time in mind, but I hope to see more air-threatening enemies or enemy abilities as time goes on, so that dash, wall jump and slide have more use.

Still one of a handful of games I've really enjoyed lately.


this game is fucking insane

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