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i'm sadly past the time where i have the patience to play difficult games (anything faster than quake is a lot for me), but i'm very much in love with what you've got here, and i will absolutely be recommending this gem. 

There's an assist mode in the pause menu that lets you tone things down like game speed and damage taken, if you feel you'd have more fun if the game was slower and/or more forgiving.


oh my god, that's amazing, thank you for considering us old folk!<3


This is something special


Man, this game is really good. I mean, the movement is smooth af, shooting fells great, environment is awesome. It does have some imperfections though, such as if you switch weapons when reloading the double barell it will reload instantly, but that's to be surely fixed. It's a demo for now.

Cancelling the shotgun reload is intentional. There are a lot of small tricks like that that can be used to your advantage.

Deleted post


Oh cool, I din't think it was intentional. That makes it even nicer to have these tricks to discover. Keep it up, dude, you're making a great game


Genuienly increadible, I really wish the full game was already out so I could spend all of my time on it

Is there a 32 bit version published yet?

No, not yet.

Is the 32 version published?

Sorry, but that ended up not happening after all.


loving this game. i made a short review with my own gameplay 


the game wass amaizing its oane of the best old stile fps games in a while , but the movement make it fill like anew game oane of the best indie games of this year keep the good worck.

(1 edit)

If the moment when you spawn, you press space quite a lot of times, the moment you touch the ground, the character bounces into oblivion

Had a lot of fun, definity buying it when its out.

(1 edit)

sometimes by doing so u can jump so hight that you leave the spawn "tube" and fall of, then a message of whoops sorry about that will pop up and you will be teletransported into another room with what looks like a tube, but where u cannot acces

This has been fixed so the fix is in the next patch.

what does the blue skull do in mission 2?

Look around. There's something else that's blue.

Deleted 1 year ago

No multiplayer planned since it would require rewriting most of the game's code to be possible.

pls lo fai gratis?

Nope, the full game will cost money.


I beat it, and I have to say the full game is probably going to be so good.

Do you know the price of the full game and will it be on steam thank you.

It will be on steam and currently has a page where you can wishlist it:

No confirmed price yet, but it'll probably be in the $15-20 range.

Thanks for the info 

where is the full game?, i love this game so much and would love to buy it


Not done yet. Early Access will begin sometime this summer.


Interview w/ ULTRAKILL Dev Hakita Mar 2020
YouTube // Podcast Directories


I want to 100% the game, and the only thing i'm missing is the no kill challenge on 0-5. Is it possible in this demo or will it be added in the full release ?


It's possible.

is the Full version Cost Money



i fk love it

Is the coin trajectory being influenced by the direction you're moving in intentional? and if so, why did you decide to implement it when just having a set trajectory every time would be a bit easier to hit?


Always having it have the same trajectory made it feel too static, so I added the momentum inheritance to make it more dynamic without making it random.


Ah, thanks for clearing up. Loving the game, btw. Stay safe!


love it!

this looks amazing and i cant wait for this to come out! do you a price set?

Probably $20.





How the HELL do you exit the level with swordsmachine?

If you tell me where you're stuck I can explain where to go next.

I'm stuck in the room with the 4 statues.

Pick up the shotgun that Swordsmachine drops and use its alt fire to destroy the cracked wall that blocks the door.

Tried it, didn't work, even when i used the alt-fire. I think I just might have to restart the game.

Can you show a video of it?


Thank you Hakita, very cool. Can't wait for the early access.


This game is awesome, though I'm stuck fighting the crazy sword machine boss. Keep it up!

Controller pleb here 

i'm having issues with controllers on pretty much every linux distro i have tried including ubuntu 

i can control the menu but no button inputs are actually working


There's no controller support yet, but it's planned and will probably be ready for the Early Access release this summer.

Good Stuff

Just like Doom Eternal except faster :)

how can i buy your game standalone without steam, or other platform (maybe you can sell it through gog)?

im running linux, and i really enjoyed the demo

when it will be available?

are there any versions to play?

congratulations, and good luck with your game

The game will be released here on when it's ready for Early Access sometime this summer. I'll look into the possibility of releasing on GOG closer to that time as well. The only publically available version is currently this demo.

Will this be available on GOG? Also will the steam version be DRM free like dusk? 

I'll look into the possibility of releasing on GOG closer to when the game's about to reach early access. No plans for any kind of DRM currently.

(1 edit)

Oh thats good. also is the summer 2020 release date actually when the full game is coming out or is that when it goes into early access?

Early Access

Oh ok. so is the full game getting released this year? 

No, most likely mid-late next year. There's a lot of content to be done before it'll reach full completion.

This game was awesome, I cannot wait until the full game being released. I love this game!! Found this game whilst looking for games in the Indie Hour. 

The game goes good until the level 4, the freaking giant head is just simply unfair, you can't predict his attacks and it's just about lucky, the game in general is pretty good, it has nice retro graphics, nice controls and ideas. But please fix that, it just maked me exit the game... Nevermind, your game is going pretty well! I hope you succeed with this game!

The Malicious Face in 0-4 works the exact same way as it did at the end of 0-1. It’ll keep shooting bursts of projectiles at steady intervals until it starts charging up its explosive beam, which has both a visual and sound cue.

if you hit the malicious face in the forehead with the fist you will kill it instantly

Richard you have a lot of ways to evade his attacks. try dashing when he shoots or slide and then dash. Once you understand the movement you will thrive lol.

this is possibly a hard question. can you please make a small version of the game for web browser? i cant get linux or dont have a windows pc. if your asking why i cant get linux, my chromebook is maneged by my school.
so if you can, please make a web browser version

Great game!! I love the overall feel and ps1-style graphics. How did you make those textures?

I used dsoft20's psx_retroshader:

Other than that, all the level textures are modified from public domain textures available online and all weapon and enemy textures are drawn digitally.

That is so cool! Thank you for sharing!

please make for mac

Can i ask? What engine did you create this game?


v104, the second map doesn't load.

The v102 worked ok.

Could you explain the problem in more detail?

I'm just falling down indefinitely. Doesn't really seem to be stuck in loading since I can access the menu with no problem, restart, quit, etc... I think it's similar to when you forget to include a map in the build of the game and then try to load it. I was gonna check the output log but can't find it.

That problem is caused by the game failing to save. Possible reasons are that the Saves folder is set as Read Only or is in a Read Only directory, or that you're attempting to play directly from the .zip file.

I've since added a warning screen that tells this to you when the game starts if it's unable to save or load and lets you progress with saving disabled if you want, so that will be in 1.05

(1 edit)

Apparently it's Windows treating you like you are 4 years old. I removed read only, still didn't work. I checked the folder properties again, it doesn't take my changes into consideration, even as administrator. Maybe if I move it to another place... Nope didn't work...

If the "Read Only" box is filled with a square instead of a checkmark, that means it should work, and the problem lies elsewhere. I don't know your PC so I can't say for sure, but it's probably some permission issue.

Any plans to allow mods into the game after release?

There are no plans for modding tools, but some modding is already possible with the demo.



(4 edits)

Is the 1.04 build broken? I get to Swordsmachine and rather than fighting him on the second phase he teleports away, and the arena, as well its foyer looks hella broken compared to videos of it I've seen.

This is not a bug, but there should be notice to the player about alt-firing the cracked doors. While it should have clicked in my dopey-ass mind since windows can be alt-fired with the pistol it wasn't nearly as intuitive in my brain to alt-fire the cracked door.

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