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Hi, What system specs are needed?

Asking because my pc broke and all I have is laptop.


Dunno. Give it a shot and see how it goes.

It runs smooth untill I like kill 100 enemies and the room fills with blood and gibs


try disabling them

yo how do i get past the broken wall in the mission Double Down?

There's another door at the bottom of the stairs.


OOOHHHHHHH- How am i just now seeing that? anyway thanks lmao

Is it normal that the graphics are so bad?

I mean, the weird shaes and so

Yes. If you dont like it, you can turn off some of the PSX Settings in the Graphics options.

anyone else have a problem where the mouse 1 and 0 dont work? but the mouse doe

Nah. Mouse 0 is right click and muse 1 is left click i think.

i know but i have to map my keys to my keyboard instead of my mouse to shoot and alt fir

Could you explain the problem in more detail? I don't quite understand what you mean.


As soon as this comes out, im buying!

Really enjoyable game, nice job on the movement! 



(1 edit)

This is an awesome game difficulty was very easy but the final level was super fun you have to focus to beat the final boss('s). It gives you a Doom vibe when playing this which is great, I found one little problem when changing the quality during the game like if you put it at modern art ( I think that´s what its called) you can't see anything maybe that's how it is or something, But I still recommend    

I also made a YouTube video to show how fun it was.



I love the game

Deleted post

On the swordsmachine fight I managed to clip him through the ground I think? I was unable to finish the level, I did it using the shotgun and melee attack at the same time.

I hit my own projectile?

This is a common bug that I've been trying to fix but is proving quite difficult to.

Bug: When I went to settings to look at what the controls were, I clicked the controls option and it corrupted the file causing me to have to redownload it

Could you describe what happened in more detail? Does this still happen if you try to open the controls options or was it just the first time? What OS are you using? Did the game refuse to launch after it was corrupted?

who else could here E1M1 from DOOM in the trailer

i have a chromebook thats why

Who says you can't lol

There is linux on chromebook, isn't there?

i cant get linux because of the administrater


oh lol

no. its not a lol.  

this looks so cool! to bad i can't play.

this game is hella fun, but i would love more weapons, maybe like a rocket launcher that could launch other types of projectiles, like swords or like fire bombs, or maybe a melee weapon. Good luck and i cant wait for the full version

There will be more weapons in the full version.

is this for 64 bit only?

Currently yes, but I can make 32-bit versions as well.

Did you make/publish a 32 bit version?

No, not yet. I'll do it alongside the next patch which will probably be late this month or early next month.


I love every thing about this game, specially the quick past


Absolutely amazing game. Play this game!


This game is exceptional. Play this game right now...

So has anyone else picked up on how overpumping the shotgun is actually is actually a super useful tool for building up combos? You just have to have a nice group of enemies so when you burst it the blood refills your health and you can get to Ultrakill really easy while still keeping max health


Just got done with the demo and this is pretty awesome. Very fast paced and challenging!


Ok so I just finished the demo and yes YES YESSS this is exactly what I need, I loved all of it, the weopons, the enimes, I do have a complaint that it kinda did the same "your walking in a hall way, then the doors close, boom encounter" witch the first couple times I enjoyed but near the end it kinda got annyoing, the levels are a little tight for my taist. But I had a lot of fun and can't wait to see what this turns into 

Woodrow rating 10/10


If you're scanning the comments out of interest just download it.  It's an absolute thrill.


The concept of mods changing how the shotgun loads is such a simple concept, yet amazing at the same time. I love the effort everyone put into this game and I'm so glad it exists!

PS: Since it has support for 4 mods, and shotgun has pump action and dual barrels, will the other two slots be open for lever action and auto?


Possibly, it will depend entirely on what is fun to play with.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, so this is the best new game I've played in ages. The idea of a shooter with a DMC-Style scoring system to encourage replays and high-level play, and the fact that someone has finally gone and done it, with some of the best goddamn combat I've played in any game ever, has me more hyped for this than practically any other upcoming game I can think of. That being said, I'd like to offer up a bit of criticism of the movement system, namely the fact that the slide and the slam are bound to the same button. This is unlikely to be a problem with enough play, but when first learning the game, having a button that can either give you a sudden boost of horizontal momentum, or slam you towards the ground has led to enough deaths from slamming myself into environmental hazards when I wanted to move myself forwards towards an enemy that I feel there's probably a better way to bind the keys so as to not throw first-time players off so hard.

Edit: Would also like to report a bug: In the first/second level, where you are originally introduced to breaking glass, if you bring some enemies from the room immediately before where you are first introduced to breaking glass into the one where you first break glass, they will often fall through the glass into the room below. Not a major problem, but just thought it worth pointing out.


My testies are overstimulated.

I wish I could give money, but my mom won't lend me the PayPal.

me too


This is incredible, and I cannot wait for the full release of this game. That being said, I want this to be the best game it can be, so I'd like to level my biggest criticism, which is the level design. It's a little samey, and something that bothers me more actually is it suffers from one of my biggest problems with DOOM 2016, and that's that not only is it samey in design, but the look is too similar. My biggest problem with that game was that it was one red room to another, it was nearly all reds and grays, and it got a little grating on the eyes. I loved the parts where you could go outside, that was great, and I think the more aethetic variation there is to the levels while still sticking to the overall look and feel of the game the better. That all being said, it was still an incredible experience and I'm so excitied to buy the full release!

The plan is for each layer of Hell to have a distinct visual style. I do agree the Prelude ended up being too samey and boring though, so once the rest of the game is done I might go back and redo some of it to make it a bit more interesting.

Ahh, I see! Well, I'm super excited for it, you've got something great here! Such a good mix of mechanics, it's awesome! Keep up the amazing work!


its good


all I can say is: holy shit


Amazing game, can't wait for it to be done and fully released


JUst played through the demo and WOOO! Seriously good FUN! Great movement!

I did notice using the pistol with the cointoss, you can jump, look down, toss a coin, shoot and 99% of the time you don't miss the coin. It really made bosses easy. I would just circle strafe, jump, look down, toss and shoot coins. I didn't have to look at the last boss in the demo to even kill it.

Loved every second I played and cannot wait for Early Access.

please see if you could make a vr game of this it would be INCREDIBLE


You should be able to just jump and then dash at the top of your jump to clear the gap. If you can't jump that high, try redownloading the demo. Someone earlier had a bug like that happen and redownloading fixed it.

nah i got it figured out


This game.
This f***king game.
Is INCREDIBLE. It's a shame it ended so soon! I want so much more of this game! It's a love letter to Doom + Quake. It sees what they did and takes a bit from them without being a redundant doom clone. And the parry mechanic?! AH I'M IN LOVE. I'm ASHAMED that I can't pour more money into this INCREDIBLE SHOOTER!


just finished the demo, and i gotta say, that was amazing. that was a good old fast paced retro style shooter. i will definitely be looking forward to the full game


Finished the demo last night, and this is probably the most fun I have had with a shooter in a LONG time. Intense and addicting.


Just played the demo and mighty impressed. Not a huge fan of fast paced shooters but this one might actually help me practice my aim lol

every game is different
some gams are slow paced
some are fast paced
the how are you training your aim?

if you still cant aim well in slow paced games

(1 edit) (+1)

Would with out a second thought this would be on my list of top five games I've played, kinda wish you could keep the glowing skulls as melee weapons and pick up the swordmachine's sword. (possibly in a second boss fight to make it so you don't get two weapons in one fight.) Edit: the secret level made it so this game became the only game I know of that makes you feel like a badass one moment and then a scared child in a Walmart the next.

(2 edits) (+1)

This game kicks so much ass, incredible. Can't wait for the full thing! The coin flip mechanic rocks, pulling it off in the middle of a fight feels so good. Great soundtrack, great gameplay, cool visual style, all around just a damn fun time. My arms are still kinda shakey from all the adrenaline.

Edit: One piece of criticism I do have though is the cerberus boss fight. I really like the moment discovering you have to fight two of him at once, but his moveset felt a little unfair at times. 

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