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(1 edit) (+1)

The swords man on ultra motherfucking hard mode, has on attack, where he does a 12 FUCKING LONG COMBO,  I GET THAT IT"S SUPPOSED TO BE HARD< BUT I DON"T WANT TO HAVE A FUCKING ANURISSM

Everytime i try to pick up the revolver at the beginning..i get nothing i cant shoot

That means your generalprogress save was corrupted. You'll need to remove that from the Saves folder and try again.

(1 edit)

well i kinda forgot about the game xD, but thanks i will try it again now.

Well, i played it, and oh my god, i probably buy it on steam soon, its so awesome.

will the steam/full version support mac and linux


Hey, could you add a shield device that can be equipped along with the player's gun? Just an idea.


There's already a shield: dodging


I guess

The game on steam, is it the same as the one here?


No, this is just the demo, the one on Steam is the Early Access version of the full game.

Alright, thanks! I'll be buying it sometime this month. Thanks for making a cool game for me to look forward too :))

Well, I wouldn't be mad if Hakita decide to put an early access builds also here. Unless putting a files here generate more problems for some reasons. For now it seems that we will got a full game in 2022, so it takes some time. I don't want to bragging too much about it, I understand that steam have a much, MUCH bigger community and from pragmatical/financial point of view it has more sense to focus on this platform, but still..

I'm guessing future updates and the full game will also come to, right?

Probably after the game's done.

love it, might get the full game.

would be hard since it's only in early access


This Prelude is fucking excellent. I'm down to buy a copy when the full release comes out on, my dude! Keep up the great work.

Hey! Don't know if you'll see this but my computer has been freezing on that hallway with a fan on the third level right after the boss fight. Any suggestions to fix it?

Try enabling vsync, setting a framerate target or disabling environmental particle effects

It worked! Thanks so much! Btw, the game is awesome. 

Minimun system requirements?

(1 edit)

I feel like the face guy's yellow blast is a bit too overpowered, it felt like it had too much of a radius. In the first part of level four, there was literally nowhere to go when the face guy started their blast.


dashing with shift gives you invincibility frames.

Oh boy, should you see the first boss in the full game..

its awesome!!! like different from other fps games, it focuses more on movement. I love it!!!


hey it is on steam maybe go check it out 


sure i will, thanks :)

ur welcome

cool game


bro, el juego es buenisimo pero sera que lo puedes subir para 32 bits? 

epa,porfin un español xd

This is just epic and amazing. keep up the good work

this game is so gory i love it

a m a z i n g

(1 edit) (+2)

ive bought the early access on steam and am LOVING IT, so just wanted preach about this some more here. this game is fucking amazing. makes doom eternal seem on par with mario 64. greed layer is cool as hell, currently trying to P rank act II, and already P ranked the prelude. this game is actually fucking awesome. the fact that people dislike this game, like one person called it "knock off doom" is just completely foreign and alien to me. great work, love this


holy shit that's a lot of motherfuckers in the comments, sick game, i've never played anything so fast-paced


screw this game man, you have no settings for, garbage wanna be knockoff doom that has trash controls and bossrooms so small it makes me wanna shove the developer in a room that size and have him try to survive an explosive. not to mention the fill game never released. 0.5 out of 5 stars


The game is in early access on Steam, but evidently you don't like it, so I doubt you'd care.


This is hilarious


im pretty sure the steam version has options and idk man the rooms seem fine to me

Get good lol




"Full game available early 2020"



"Coming to early access in 2020" and it did, in September 2020.


Really cool game, just wish that the full game comes out fast and its free.


Dude, this is a game being made by a single person. I doubt its gonna be free.


the game is currently in early access and is on steam for $20 


I know this is gonna sound REALLY stupid, but is there controller support? I wanna try the game out, but I've played console for so long that I play like a 6-year-old on K&M.


The early access version on Steam has partial controller support. This means it's playable with a controller, but the menus dont work yet and you can't rebind any buttons for it yet. Those are coming later, but are not a priority.


Ok, thanks! (Greed layer looks awesome btw)


dude, this game makes doom eternal look like a walking simulator. Simply AMAZING


This Game gives me old Doom vibes

Me to

(1 edit) (+2)

im wish listing the game on steam now :)


add an arena mode pls



Este juego me ha encantado, mucha violencia, todo pasa súper rápido, hice un gameplay en Español para quien guste disfrutar de este juego juntos :3


when is the early access coming? its 2021 and it says 2020


Early Access started on Steam in September 2020.

bastante entretenido

Is there gonna be a v1.05 release for Linux?

No, reasons explained here:

Will we ever have tabs or something for your music? i would love that

Possibly, though probably not until the game is done, since I have my hands full with development.


32bits pleaseeeeee

Can you make a 32bit version?

Unlikely, there isn't enough of an audience to justify the added workload of supporting 32bit systems. Sorry.

It would be very good if they did the ultrakill for the ps3 since the console could run it without problems, since it is a wonderful game and it would not be bad to do it on a previous generation console.

Ícono de validado por la comunidad


While we will be looking at the possibility of console ports after the game is done, PS3 won't be happening since the current version of Unity doesn't support that and there isn't enough of an audience to warrant remaking the whole game in a different engine.

a ok im sorry about that. I didn't know this. But i know now, thanks. You game is very beautiful, in my pc potato runs it xdd. Seriously it's weird but i like it, at least can play it haha. Take care, Eric

do you think you could get someone from the fanbase to do it

can we get a x32bit version

We need it

Unlikely, there isn't enough of an audience to justify the added workload of supporting 32bit systems. Sorry.


well it was worth the ask

(1 edit)

I'm a big supporter of your game and I have multiple questions but I'll only ask you two. My first question is will the game be free when its fully released? My next one is will you ever update the demo? I also see that you released a early access version for 19:99$ on steam but not on here why is that? 

(3 edits)

The full game will be paid, with the price possibly changing as updates continue to flow in.

No clue why Hakita didn't put the full version here either, but that's their personal choice. In any case, if you want to get the game DRM-free, it will also be released on GOG. 

As for updating the demo, that's also probably up to Hakita. 

I chose to only release the early access version on Steam because keeping multiple storefronts up to date is a chore, so I picked Steam because it's more popular with mass audiences. GOG release is when the game is done and I'll probably also release it here then.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for letting me know.

oh ok

is it going to be free



1. The full game costs money because I need to eat in order to stay alive and keep making games.

2. I don't think there's much reason to ever update the demo. The bugs in it are pretty minor and it's so far behind the latest full version that I'd basically have to redo the demo aspects of it again, which would be a timesink without much benefit. The demo at its current state still gives a pretty good baseline idea of whether you'll like the full game or not, so it does its job.

3. I only released the early access version on Steam because keeping multiple storefronts up to date is a chore, so I only wanted to keep updating one while the game is still in early access, and chose Steam since it's a far more popular platform for mass audiences. After the game is complete, it will also come out on GOG and I'll most likely release it here as well, but for the duration of Early Access, it will probably just remain on Steam.

Ok Thanks :)

and yes i know i replied two months after hakita responded

Did anybody else somehow get the nail gun?


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